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Australian Government Coat of Arms

Budget archive


Australian Government Coat of Arms, Budget 2014-15

Budget 2006‑07

Historical Budget documents are available for reference purposes. Please note that due to the age of these documents they may not meet current web publishing requirements and may not be compatible with some software.

These historical documents are presented as originally created. This may include an acronym for the Financial Assistance Grant program that is offensive and inappropriate, and which we no longer use. The department apologises for the use of this term and the harm. Today, the program is referred to as the ‘FA Grant’ or the ‘Financial Assistance Grant’.

Budget documents
Document PDF Download
Budget Speech 118KB
Budget Paper 1: Budget Strategy and Outlook 1.7MB
Budget Paper 2: Budget Measures 1.5MB
Budget Paper 3: Federal Financial Relations 781KB
Budget Paper 3: Federal Financial Relations - SPP tables (XLS) 1.7MB
Budget Paper 4: Agency Resourcing 1.3MB
Additional Budget documents
Document PDF Download
Budget at a glance 44KB
Budget overview 1.7MB
Budget overview chartpack (XLS) 4.5MB (Zip)
A Plan to Simplify and Streamline Superannuation 742KB
Appropriation Bills
Document PDF Download
Appropriation (Parliamentary Departments) Bill (No.1) 2006-07 51KB
Appropriation Bill (No.1) 2006-07 296KB
Appropriation Bill (No.2) 2006-07 203KB
Appropriation Bill (No.3) 2006-07 260KB
Appropriation Bill (No.4) 2006-07 159KB
Appropriation Bill (No.5) 2005-06 122KB
Appropriation Bill (No.6) 2005-06 82KB
Statement of Savings 2006-07 130KB
Ministerial Statements
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Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
Securing Australian Agriculture
Foreign Affairs and Trade (AusAID)
Australia’s Overseas Aid Program 2006–07
The Treasury
Continuing Tax Reform

Portfolio Budget Statements

The purpose of the Portfolio Budget Statements (PBS) is to inform Senators and Members of Parliament of the proposed allocation of resources to government outcomes by agencies within the relevant portfolio. Agencies receive resources from the annual appropriations acts, special appropriations (including standing appropriations and special accounts), and revenue from other sources.

A key role of the PBS is to facilitate the understanding of proposed annual appropriations in Appropriation Bills No. 1 and No. 2. In this sense the PBS are Budget related papers and are declared by the Appropriation Bills to be 'relevant documents' to the interpretation of the Acts according to section 15AB of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

The PBS provides information, explanation and justification to enable Parliament to understand the purpose of each outcome proposed in the Bills.

As required under section 12 of the Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998, non-general government sector entities are not consolidated into the Commonwealth general government sector fiscal estimates and accordingly, these entities are not reported in the PBS.

The following Australian Government Agencies' held their Portfolio Budget Statements on their websites at the time of release.

  • Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  • Attorney-General's
  • Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
  • Defence
    • Department of Defence
    • Department of Veteran's Affairs
    • Defence Housing Authority
  • Education, Science and Training
  • Employment and Workplace Relations
  • Environment and Heritage
  • Family and Community Services
    • Human Services
  • Finance and Administration
  • Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Health and Ageing
  • Immigration and Multicultural and Indigenous Affairs
  • Industry, Tourism and Resources
  • Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • Transport and Regional Services
  • Treasury
  • Parliamentary Departments
    • House of Representatives
    • Senate
    • Parliamentary Services
Document PDF Download
Treasury Portfolio Budget Statements 1.4MB

Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements

The purpose of the Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements (PAES) is to inform Senators and Members of Parliament and the public of the proposed allocation of resources to government outcomes by agencies within the relevant portfolio.

While the PAES include an Agency Resource Statement to inform Parliament of the revised estimate of the total resources available to an agency, the focus of the PAES is on explaining the changes in resourcing since the Budget. As such, the PAES provides information on new measures and their impact on the financial and non-financial planned performance of agencies.

The PAES facilitate understanding of the proposed appropriations in Appropriation Bills (No. 3 and No. 4). In this sense the PAES are declared by the Additional Estimates Appropriation Bills to be a 'relevant document' to the interpretation of the Bills according to section 15AB of the Acts Interpretation Act 1901.

Whereas the Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook is a mid-year budget report which provides updated information to allow the assessment of the Government's fiscal performance against its fiscal strategy, the PAES update the most recent budget appropriations for agencies within the relevant portfolio.

Document PDF Download
Portfolio Additional Estimates Statements 2006‑07: Treasury Portfolio 926KB

The following Australian Government Agencies' held their Portfolio Aditional Estimate Statements on their websites at the time of release.

  • Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry
  • Attorney-General
  • Communications, Information Technology and the Arts
  • Defence
  • Education, Science and Training
  • Environment and Water Resources
  • Employment and Workplace Relations
  • Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
  • Finance and Administration
  • Foreign Affairs and Trade
  • Human Services
  • Immigration and Citizenship
  • Industry, Tourism and Resources
  • Prime Minister and Cabinet
  • Transport and Regional Services
  • Treasury
  • Veterans' Affairs

Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook

The Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) updates the economic and fiscal outlook from the previous budget. Clause 14 of the Charter of Budget Honesty requires the release of a MYEFO each year by the end of January, or six months after the last budget, whichever is later.

Document PDF Download
Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook 2006‑07 1.4MB

Final Budget Outcome

The Final Budget Outcome (FBO) encompasses Australian Government general government sector fiscal outcomes for the financial year and is based on external reporting standards. The Charter of Budget Honesty Act 1998 requires that a Final Budget Outcome be released no later than three months after the end of the relevant financial year.

Document PDF Download
Final Budget Outcome 2006‑07 557KB